Tuesday 14 April 2015

Let It Begin

It's funny.

I created this blogger account in 2012, thinking I would start blogging. Obviously, I didn't.

What took me so long? I have no idea. It could be the lack of time from juggling a full-time job, part-time studies and personal life.

Alright, I'll stop finding excuses. So I procrastinated. Well, things are going to change as I am taking a job hiatus. Other than making the necessary monetary sacrifices (by not taking long overseas vacations) during this period, yours truly is going to set some goals, and of course, some things straight.

I need to re-ignite my passion for writing again. That's one.

It will be good if I can tone up my body, and in order to do so, there's a need to lead a healthier lifestyle. Hence, fitness routines must be in order. Besides, my eating habits had been derailed big time especially in the recent months. So reigning my sweet tooth is no longer an option.

Ah, reading! Speaking of which, the bookworm in me has hibernated for the longest time. Setting aside time to gain knowledge, and to keep the mind active isn't just beneficial but also fulfilling.

Trying and learning something new are likely part of the plan. Yada, yada, yada, I can go on and on about this but it's pointless if nothing materialises.

Let's see how things work out from here. A blog post is certainly a good start!

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